Saturday 17 August 2013

Grafts 16/08/13

Areole Graft: Organ Pipe Seedling onto Myrtillocactus
Areole Graft: T.Pachanoi onto Cylindropuntia Subulata

Thursday 15 August 2013

Grafting Update

Notocactus Magnificus Pups Grafted onto Opuntia (Prickly Pear) Root Stock. Grafted: 06/06/13. To give an idea of scale, the pups were less than the width of the opuntia rootstock when they were grafted. The root stock has also enlarged during this time and is an advantage of using opuntia. It has been said that although Opuntia isn't as fast as T.Pachanoi, it is known to create fine specimens which generally keep their shape, more likely to create pups and flower at an earlier age.

14/08/13 Grafted a T.Pachanoi Pup onto Myrtillocactus Geometrizans

Cactus Seedlings Update

Pachycereus Pringlei Planted: 06/06/13
Also Known as The Cardon Cactus (In the wild this cactus has been known to reach heights up to a record 70ft!))

Echinocactus Grusonnii (Barrel Cactus) Planted: 06/06/13

Marshallocereus Thurberii (Organ Pipe Cactus) Planted: 16/06/13

Trichocereus Pachanoi (San Pedro Cactus) Planted: 06/06/13 Some of the seedlings have been beheaded and grafted onto opuntia rootstock on: 04/08/13.

Monday 5 August 2013

Cactus Propogation Through Tissue Culture

Update from the Cactus Garden


Grafted 12 small cactus tips onto opuntia rootstock. 

x3 Pachycereus Pringlei (Cardon) seedlings (planted 04/06/13)
x3 Pup tips salvaged from Dom's Pachanoi cuttings 
x5 Trichocereus Pachanoi Seedlings (planted 04/06/13)
x1 Marshallocereus Thurberii Seedling Tip (Organ Pipe Cactus) (Planted 16/06/13)


Mixed and administered 6-BAP and Lanolin mixture to various cactus's. Signs of new growth should appear in 1-6 weeks.